3.5.3 Rain. The indicator shall be capable of satisfying all of the performance requirements
during and after exposure to rain.
3.5.4 Humidity The indicator shall be capable of satisfying all of the performance requirements
after exposure to high humidity conditions.
3.5.5 Salt. The indicator shall be capable of satisfying all of the performance requirements
after exposure to a salt air environment.
3.5.6 Vibration . The indicator shall be capable of satisfying all of the performance
requirements after exposure to vibration during transportation and mobilization.
4.1 Classification of inspections The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as
a. First article inspection (see 4.2).
b. Conformance inspection (see 4.3).
4.2 First article inspection First article inspection shall be performed on one complete
indicator assembly when a first article sample is required (see 3.1). This inspection shall include
the examination of 4.4 and the tests of 4.5.1 - 4.5.16 done in the order stated. When determined
necessary by the government, a separate indicator shall be used for the fungus test of 4.5.11.
4.3 Conformance inspection Conformance inspection shall include the examination of 4.4 and
the tests of 4.5.1-4.5.5.
4.4 Examination Each indicator shall be examined for compliance with the requirements.
Any redesign or modification of the contractor's standard product to comply with specified
requirements, or any necessary redesign or modification following failure to meet the specified
requirements shall receive particular attention for adequacy and suitability.
4.4.1 Weight. The indicator shall be examined for compliance with the weight restriction of 20
pounds in accordance with 3.3.1.
4.4.2 Dimensions . The indicator shall be examined for compliance with the dimensional
restriction of 2 feet in accordance with 3.3.2.
4.4.3 Controls. The indicator shall be visually examined for compliance with 3.3.3.
4.4.4 Display The indicator shall be visually examined for compliance with 3.3.4.
4.4.5 Scale ranges The indicator shall be visually examined for compliance with 3.3.5.
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A Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business